Classroom Information

Drop-Off and Pick-Up

School begins at 8:30 and ends at 2:45 (except Wednesdays, the end time is 1:45). Students should arrive in time to line up downstairs in the Parish Hall by 8:20 when the first bell rings.  There should be a sign letting you know where 1A lines up. (The first day of school students go directly to classrooms.)

In first grade we encourage students to be independent. Please say goodbye to your child before they line up in the parish hall/gym and encourage them to walk with their peers to the classroom.  Any student arriving after 8:30 will need to go to the office and get a tardy slip before coming to class. At the end of our school day you may retrieve your child from our line.  Please let me know if your child will be attending our after-school extension program so I can guide them to the appropriate place.


Please send your child with a daily dry snack that is packed separate from his/her lunch and is located in the child’s backpack. Please let them know which pocket the snack is in.  Because of food allergies, sharing of food is never allowed.  Also, our classroom will be a NUT FREE ZONE this year.  Please send simple healthy snacks with no nuts.


Students will be eating in the classroom this year.  Please be sure to have lunch containers clearly labeled with your child’s name. If for some reason you are dropping off lunch during the school day, please bring it to the office and it will be delivered to your child.

Most of my communication to you will be via e-mail.  If you would prefer to have hard copies of notes and letters please let me know and I will send home a paper version in your child’s homework folder.