

Our school day begins at 8:20 with the first bell, except on Wednesdays when the first bell is at 8:15. Students should line up in the parish hall. Please see Classroom Information for more details.

Wednesday mornings we go to Mass as a class. Please ensure your student has arrived by 8:15, dressed in full uniform (including green sweater or vest) and has used the restroom before lining up in the parish hall so we can get to church on time.

P.E.:  Tuesday and Wednesday-be sure to have your child wear appropriate shoes.

Music:  Tuesday and Friday

Library:  Thursday (Remember to send library books to school.)

Advisory with Mrs. Framel:  Monday


Recess:  10:20 to 10:40 AM

Lunch:  11:40 AM to 12:05 PM

Afternoon Recess:  12:05 – 12:30 PM

Dismissal: 2:45 PM (1:45 on Wednesday)